Best Practices

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Jul 23, 2024

7 Psychological Tactics to Drive Sales

by Disha Sanghvi

Are you noticing a drop in customer conversion? Maybe you aren’t acquiring quality leads. After all, someone looking for a car vacuum is hardly going to buy a set of highlighters, right? While incorrect targeting is often a good reason, what if it’s not. What if you are targeting the right people and still not seeing enough conversions? It isn’t always about quality, but about the right marketing efforts. In a digital world with reducing attention spans, an overwhelming set of options, and the need for quick gratification, you need to truly appeal to customers to convert. There are several things to keep in mind when it comes to increasing customer conversion, but the first and most important aspect is understanding who your customers are. Send out surveys, research your current audience, and create a detailed customer persona to better understand your audience, the platforms they frequent, their preferences and wants, and much more. Once you have this in place, you can focus your marketing efforts on reaching and engaging the right audience. How can psychology help? No matter how fabulous your product is, simply saying so isn’t enough. Psychology helps you better understand how the mind works to design marketing strategies that really connect with people. Here are a few things to keep in mind. Tip 1: Be everywhere, always The Familiarity Principle suggests that people are more attracted to things that look familiar to them. For this to work, you need to be patient, and really invest in […]

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