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                                                        Applying Segmentation to Questions in Omni

                                                        To drill down to a deeper understanding of your results, you may segment results based on specific answers, metadata elements, or data sets of your choice. Segmentation can be applied to one, some, or all questions in your report.

                                                        For example:To understand satisfaction levels across different departments, segment a question asking ‘How satisfied are you working for us?” into different departments.

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                                                        Here’s how:

                                                        1. In the Omni Report, hover over a question, you’d like to segment. For example, “How satisfied are you working for us?”
                                                        2. Click on the three-dot menu to the right of the question.
                                                        3. Click Apply Segmentation.

                                                          You cannot apply segmentation on Text Box and Ranking questions. Open-ended questions with numerical response can be segmented for their statistical value or mean graph.

                                                        4. Choose whether you wish to segment results based on answers or metadata elements or to create segmentation data sets.
                                                          • Segment results based on answers or metadata elements: If you wish to segment results based on answers or metadata elements, choose the item you want to use for segmentation. For example, ‘What is your department?’.


                                                            Text Box, Ranking, and Numeric Allocation questions cannot be used to segment.

                                                            1. Choose your segments by selecting the answer options.
                                                            2. Choose to merge or rename Answer Options used for segmentation by clicking on Merge or Rename Answer Options. From here, edit text or select answers and click the merge icon.
                                                            3. Choose to show and compare each Segment with the Overall data in the graph. Click the settings icon to customize the Overall display.
                                                            4. Review your results. To see the segmentation applied, click on the segment icon next to the question. You may also edit the segmentation conditions.
                                                        5. Create Segmentation data sets: You can create up to 10 data sets for comparison, and up to 10 conditions may be used to define each data set.
                                                            1. By default, two data sets will appear, but more data sets may be added. Name each data set and select the first defining question or metadata element.
                                                            2. Apply your preferred condition and select the answer options accordingly.
                                                            3. Select more questions or elements and relevant answer options to complete your requirements.
                                                            4. Set logic for these conditions in order to create your first data set.
                                                            5. Add up to 10 data sets.
                                                            6. Then, click Apply to compare those data sets.
                                                            7. Review your results. To see the segmentation applied for the data sets, click on the segment icon next to the question. You may also edit the conditions applied.

                                                          Segmentation can be applied based on the Score of rating questions.

                                                        Set Data Display Conditions

                                                          • Once segmentation has been applied, you may create conditions based on the segmented values to show/hide the relevant data. This can be helpful if you want to highlight certain data rather than seeing an overwhelming range of results.
                                                        For example:

                                                        For example, consider a survey that contains two questions: (1) Identify your location, and (2) Are you a member? In the report you have segmented each location based on Q2, and you can view member and non-member count for every location. Data display conditions allow you to apply conditions such as:

                                                            • View locations where member count is higher than non-member count.
                                                            • View locations where member count is not 0.

                                                        • Here’s how to apply data display conditions:
                                                          1. Within Omni, click on the three-dot menu to the right of the question you’d like to segment.
                                                          2. Click Apply Segmentation.
                                                          3. Choose to segment results based on answers or metadata elements or to create segmentation data sets.
                                                          4. Select the segmentation questions and answers or create the data sets and click ‘Set data display conditions’.
                                                          5. Here, you can apply conditions based on segments. Conditions can be created based on:
                                                            • Response Count Sum​
                                                            • Response Count Average​
                                                            • Weighted Score Sum​ (available for rating questions)
                                                            • Weighted Score Average​ (available for rating questions)
                                                            • Net Intent Sum​ (available only when Graph Metric is Net Intent)
                                                            • Net Intent Average (available only when Graph Metric is Net Intent)
                                                            • Percent Favorable Sum​ (available only when Graph Metric is Percent Favorable)
                                                            • Percent Favorable Average (available only when Graph Metric is Percent Favorable)
                                                          6. Add condition(s) and click Apply.
                                                          7. Answers to your questions (or Grid sub-questions) will be displayed only when they meet the conditions.

                                                        Conditional Segment Display

                                                        When a single value like Weighted Score, Net Intent, or Percent Favorable is segmented, you may choose to show only certain segments based on the conditions of your choice. This can be helpful if you have lots of results but only want to highlight certain segments.

                                                        For example:
                                                        Consider a survey that asks employees about their primary work location and overall satisfaction. In the report, you choose to view the satisfaction rating by weighted score, then segment by location. But what if you have too many locations to view at once? Conditional Segment Display allows you to simplify the view by applying conditions like:

                                                        • View the locations with the top five satisfaction scores.
                                                        • View only locations with a response count above 100 and a satisfaction score higher than 3.5 out of 5.

                                                        Here’s how to apply Conditional Segment Display:

                                                        1. Within Omni, click on the three-dot menu to the right of the question you’d like to segment.
                                                        2. Click Apply Segmentation.
                                                        3. Choose to segment results based on answers or metadata elements.
                                                        4. Select the segmentation questions and answers and click Conditional Segment Display.

                                                          Here, you can apply conditions based on segments. Conditions can be created based on:

                                                            • Top/Bottom Segment values
                                                            • Selected Graph Metric
                                                            • Response count

                                                          Note: If both Top/Bottom rules and conditions are applied, the conditions will be given first preference and then Top/Bottom logic will be applied to the result.

                                                        5. Add condition(s) and click Apply.
                                                        6. Only the segments that meet the conditions will be displayed.

                                                        Adding a Variable

                                                        Segmentation is amazing, but sometimes you need a little more clarity than side-by-side bar graphs offer. When you segment questions based on another question in the project or data sets, you may choose to create a new variable from the selected segments.

                                                        For example:
                                                        Let’s say that you’re measuring attendees’ satisfaction with various aspects of an event held in both 2021 and 2022. You may want to segment the satisfaction questions by response period, but you may also be interested in seeing where the biggest differences are. In this case, add a variable to your segmentation, like (2022)-(2021). Now, when you apply segmentation, you’ll see both the segments and the difference.
                                                        1. To Add a Variable, choose the segments or data sets, and then click on Add a Variable.
                                                        2. Enter a name for the Variable (I.e., delta, growth, difference).
                                                        3. Your segments will be listed as codes A, B, C, D and so on.
                                                        4. In the formula section, enter the formula for your Variable, like 2022-2021. The accepted operators are: +, -, *, /, (, )
                                                        5. Use the segment codes and the operators to define the Variable formula, like A-B.
                                                        6. Click Apply to save. Then, review charts and tables to see the Variable in addition to all the selected segments.