Net Promoter Score – NPS
NPS is an index used to measure customer loyalty toward your brand, company, or service. On a 0 to 10 scale, customers are asked to provide feedback about how likely they are to recommend your services in the future.
NPS is a widely adopted metric used by many organizations.
The Net Promoter System: Measuring Customer Loyalty with NPS
Creating an NPS Survey in Sogolytics
Text for the NPS question is automatically generated, with default text reflecting the proven industry standard. We strongly recommend that you use the default text. The only change you should make is to insert the name of your brand, company, or service.
The scale for an NPS question is always 0 to 10 and cannot be changed. On this scale, 0 is Not at all Likely and 10 is Extremely Likely.
To keep things simple, you may choose to use an NPS survey template from our survey template bank.
Note that the NPS question type may be used in both Survey and CX Project types, but only in SogoCX will you be able to to track NPS across the Dashboard, conduct Key Driver Analysis, and analyze open-ended follow-up responses.
Understanding the Net Promoter Score: Detractors, Passives, and Promoters
While an NPS question may look like an ordinary rating question, the way responses are analyzed is a bit different than an ordinary average weighted score.
Responses to a Net Promoter Score question categorize customers as follows:
- Detractors: Customers who provide responses from 0 to 6. These respondents are less satisfied and are unlikely to have a positive impact on your organization. They are unlikely to recommend you and in some cases may even generate negative publicity about you.
- Passives: Customers who choose 7 or 8. These are satisfied but unenthusiastic customers. They may defect to competitors if they see any available benefits.
- Promoters: Customers who pick 9 or 10. These are your brand ambassadors, those you can consider your most loyal and satisfied customers. They are most likely to demonstrate positive behavior like referring to new customers and spending more themselves.
How to Calculate and Analyze Net Promoter Score
To calculate the NPS, the percentage of Detractors (those who chose 0-6) is subtracted from the percentage of Promoters (those who chose 9-10).
NPS = Promoters% (9-10) – Detractors% (0-6)
The Net Promoter Score can range between -100 (all Detractors) to +100 (all Promoters).
Net Promoter Score Analysis
- An NPS greater than 60, shown in green, is considered excellent.
- An NPS from 0 to 60, indicated in orange, is decent.
- An NPS from -100 to 0, highlighted in red, indicates risk.
Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc. Average NPS varies by industry.
Learn more about adding Tags to your metric questions to analyze data on the CX Dashboard.
Frequently Asked Questions: NPS
1. What is a good Net Promoter Score?
A good Net Promoter Score (NPS) typically ranges above 60. However, the ideal score can vary depending on your industry, with some sectors achieving average scores higher or lower than others.
2. How often should I run a Net Promoter survey?
It’s recommended to conduct a Net Promoter Survey regularly, such as quarterly or after key customer interactions, to consistently gauge customer loyalty and track improvements.
3. Can I customize the NPS question in Sogolytics?
Yes, you can personalize the NPS question by adding your brand, company, or service name, although the scale (0-10) should remain unchanged.
4. How can I improve my NPS?
Focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences, actively address feedback, and empower your team to provide top-notch service.
5. What are some common mistakes to avoid in NPS surveys?
Neglecting to pre-populate known data can lead to survey fatigue as easily as sending too many NPS surveys, and failing to follow up with responses can lead to negative reactions ranging from annoyance to mistrust.
Within this question type, the following options are available:
- Mandatory Response: Require participants to respond to a critical question.
- Encouraged Response: Nudge participants who skip a question to reconsider by displaying a customized request message.
- Data Population: Pre-fill answer(s) during distribution or complete post-participation.
- Question Hint: Add extra information that can help provide clarification for participants.
- Display Format: Set display format as number blogs or smiley faces.
- Customize Style: Choose to use a single color for all answer options or a red, yellow, and green scale.