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      • EX Metrics
        • EX Dashboard
          • EX Dashboard Settings
            • Analyze your drivers
              • Good to know
                • Getting Started!
                  • Building CX Surveys
                  • CX Metrics
                    • CX Dashboard
                      • CX Dashboard Settings
                        • Analyze your drivers
                          • Good to know
                            • Getting Started!
                              • Assessment Question types
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                                    Omni All in One ReportThe Omni report simplifies your analysis by providing instant, detailed results in just one click. Learn more about this all-in-one wonder! Display Options in OmniUse the Sogolytics's customization survey display options to make the customizing questions, graphs, and metrics regarding survey participation. Applying Segmentation to Questions in OmniSegment your question and drill down on a multiple group of participants based on their answers to one or more questions. Applying Filters in OmniAdding a filter to your question and report lets you drill down on a specific group of participants based on their answers to one or more questions. Overall Report SettingsLearn how to apply your preferred report customization to an entire Omni report at once. Survey MetadataMetadata is information collected along with your responses in addition to the actual answers. Metadata can be used to analyze participation information both to improve response rates in a live… Customize Card View Card View Options Hovering over a card will display the following options: Select a card by clicking the radio button in the top left corner. Once one or more… Save, Share and SlideshowSave Report When you’re looking at the same data from different angles, save multiple instances of your Omni Report for easy access in the future. Here’s how: Select your project,… Build Your CanvasThe report canvas is your chance to decide how to best display your results. Visit here to know more about how to access the report canvas. Export Report and CanvasOnce your report canvas is fully customized to meet your needs, follow steps to Export Canvas in Excel or PowerPoint format. Save, Export, Share ReportsData is great, but it's much more valuable if you put it to use! Rather than allowing your data to languish in a digital filing cabinet, start sharing your results… Email Dynamic ReportsWith just one click, you can email real-time reports to clients or colleagues. Follow the simple steps to email a report Share ReportsFollow the steps to sharing survey reports on Twitter & Facebook to engage a wide audience, helping to promote the performance & growth of the organization or individual. Filter ManagerFilters allow you to choose which information to include in your reports. While the full report data is already in the system, sometimes it’s helpful to focus in on specific…
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