Comprehensive risk
assessment solution

Gather, measure, and analyze information to learn more about the
factors that directly impact your business—from employee skill
levels to supply chain integrity—and everything in between.

Identify and address security risks, easily

With Sogolytics, you have the power to create, customize, score, and share surveys that give key insights into nearly all areas of your organization, enabling you to effectively assess security concerns and take active measures.

Fortify your processes

You can’t resolve concerns you don’t know – so check in with your teams to discover pain-points, risk areas, and potential security threats to create an unshakable business strategy.

Increase the Response Rate

Flexibility and control

Get the most responses to make accurate assessments about any risks throughout your organization with flexibility that allows participants to get started on one device, and complete the survey on another.
Take Immediate Measures

Rules and alerts

Stay in the know about any new concerns being highlighted by setting up conditional rules and alerts, so you can take quick action.
Leading Security Measures

Safety and security

Top-tier, end-to-end security keeps your data locked tight, and only those you authorize to see results will get access.
Powerful integration

Sogolytics integrates with your existing business processes and systems, including APIs and webhooks that collect assessment data and scores, pushed in real-time to your servers or database. Sogolytics can also be embedded within your current applications and website, providing a seamless experience for your users.

Identify concerns and mitigate risks

Discover training gaps, compliance concerns, product feedback, new feature reception and more to immediately identify possible concerns and take proactive measures to address the risks before they get out of hand.

Conduct Assessments Ahead of Audits

Don’t be surprised by the results of an audit—learn where your company stands and what issues you may be facing before the audit occurs.

Conduct Market Research

Assess whether certain features or products are living up to expectations, determine whether recent changes are having an effect, or learn where to focus design and marketing efforts.

Assess Potential Risks to Your Organization

Identify the risks of non-compliance, learn vulnerabilities, and create reports for regulators.

Comply with Federal and State Regulations

Keep up with federal and state regulations by measuring and reporting on workplace issues, such as health and safety or licensing.

Comply with IT Governance

Assess risks to data and digital assets—both from within the organization and without—and better train employees to avoid phishing and other potentially compromising issues.

Gain Insight into Your Supply Chain

Increase efficiencies, identify potential improvements or areas of concern, and gain a better understanding of your supply chain’s strengths and weaknesses before a problem arises.

Ensure Business Continuity

Determine which areas of your business are most critical, identify resources for employees to keep crucial processes functioning, and outline recovery steps. 

Help Your Employees excel and Remain Engaged

Test new safety protocols, gauge employees’ skills and knowledge, find areas of growth for employees, or gauge which benefits will best suit your workforce.

All the tools you need,
ready to go from day one


Quickly launch an assessment—then view scores and reports immediately for rapid follow-up.


Connect with your participants through multiple channels, including email, SMS, a public link, or a password-protected link.

Set Benchmarks

Compare data over time, across multiple work sites, or other metrics.

Create Alerts

Set rules for real-time alerts at critical data points or scores

Take Action

Track responses as they come in, automate follow-up, and create presentation-ready reports that enable collaboration.

Don’t just take our word for it

Sogolytics helps some of the best companies gather and analyze the data they need.
Here are their stories.

Bridge process gaps, address concerns, and create a powerful business ecosystem with Sogolytics

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Start collecting answers today with our professionally designed survey templates.
Join the strongest brands on the planet.


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