Presenter Feedback Survey Template

Number of pages 1 Number of questions 11 Number of times used 3.5k+

Time to complete 3 minutes(approx.)

Following a presentation, hear from participants to understand if their expectations were met, how well the presentation conveyed the intended points, and whether the presenter succeeded. Results from a presentation feedback survey can be used to improve the presentation or to inform future decisions and schedules.

Core presentation survey questions may be standardized for multiple events, making it easy to track common metrics across all of your events. As needed, you may also add customized presentation feedback questions that appeal to specific events, too. Consider asking about the choice of topic, the clarity of the delivery, and the level of engagement participants feel during the presentation. Specific presenter survey questions can help to inform future decisions about who to invite back and what improvements can be made.

Ready to launch? Consider sharing presentation feedback surveys through QR codes at the event or embedding in your event app!

A good presentation can be inspiring, engaging, and compelling. A bad presentation can be boring, confusing, or disappointing. Either way, the audience is left with a lasting impression of the presenter and the topic. How would you rate your latest presentation? No matter the opinion of the presenter, the experience of the audience matters most, and presentation survey questions can help to uncover their candid thoughts.

Some audience feedback will be obvious right away, from attendance to facial expression to levels of applause. Still, an applause meter can only tell you so much. As a presenter or an event organizer, gather more valuable feedback with the Presenter Feedback Survey. Nobody wants to disappoint an audience, but it’s much easier to make improvements if you know how well expectations have been met.

Presentation feedback surveys can be used to improve the quality of the presentation, the style of the presenter, or even the schedule of future presentations. The best presentations are a collaboration between presenter, audience, and organizer. Be sure your next presentation meets your goals by ensuring communication is more than just one-way.


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