Government Feedback Survey Template

Number of pages 2 Number of questions 5 Number of times used 3.3k+

Time to complete 2 minutes(approx.)

Keep channels open at all times and improve responsiveness by collecting feedback in a comprehensive way. Perfect for use on a website, this form allows you to collect anonymous feedback as needed.

It’s not hard to find statistics that suggest voter turnout is lower than it should be in elections all over the world. And yet, feedback and opinions never seem to be in short supply. Keep up with your community by posting the Government Always Listening Form. This simple and easily customizable tool is right at home on your website, linked from newsletters, in social media profiles, and more.

Wherever your community goes for information, be there to collect their feedback. With just a few short questions, this instrument makes it easy for citizens to register their thoughts, and they can ask for a response or choose to stay anonymous. No matter the question or comment, suggestion or concern, or even compliment — a simple analysis of your data can help to keep up with the pulse of your community.

Your community has feedback around the clock, every day of every week. Ensure your government is listening all the time. To balance ongoing feedback with strategically timed deeper dives, use this always-available form in conjunction with the Seeking Citizen Feedback Survey.


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