Outpatient Occupational Therapy Feedback Survey Template

Number of pages 1 Number of questions 20 Number of times used 3.2k+

Time to complete 7 minutes(approx.)

Understand how satisfied patients are with the outpatient occupational therapy they are receiving so you can make all the right adjustments.

Therapy can be a challenging stage for patients as they rebuild muscles and processes and adjust to new abilities. Keep everything else moving as smoothly and easily as possible to provide the support they need on the road to recovery.

The Outpatient Occupational Therapy Feedback Survey collects data on patients’ experiences at every stage, from referral and first visit to the therapy itself and at-home follow-up instructions. Especially when patients may not be at full strength, issues like location,

parking, and waiting room experience can have a huge impact on their overall satisfaction and likelihood of returning to or recommending the clinic. Serve your patients best by ensuring feedback collection is a regular part of your processes. Just as their performance improves over time, so will yours.


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