What question types are available?

Adding a question is an important step in building your project, but adding the right question type is more crucial. Let’s take a look at the question types you can use:

  • Descriptive Text

    While a description isn’t technically a question, Descriptive Text is a really commonly used option in project design. It’s a perfect way to deliver helpful information, like an introductory note (Thanks for participating!). Remember: It’s not possible for your participant to provide an answer. If you want to collect open-ended responses from participants, use a Text Box.

  • Text Box

    Text Box questions allow the participant to provide an open-ended response. This question type is best used when you can’t necessarily anticipate every answer and you want to give your participant the chance to explain.

  • Radio Button

    The simple single-select Radio Button is perfect when you have a short list of answers – perhaps 7 or fewer – and participants can view all answers at once. This question is great when you’re mainly looking for frequency – that is, how many times each answer option is chosen.

  • Check Box

    The multi-select Check Box question type allows participants to select more than one answer option. Reports for this question type will display frequency, as well as indicating that multiple answers were possible.

  • Drop Down

    The single-select Drop Down question type is ideal when you have a long list of predictable answers, like country names displayed in alphabetical order. This compact question type saves space on your page and gives you clear frequency totals.

  • Date

    This question type is clearly an excellent choice when the answer to a question is a date and you want the data to be clearly and consistently formatted. Choose your preferred display format. You may choose to identify today’s date (the date of participation) or a certain date many participants are likely to choose, or to provide no default.

  • Rating Scale

    This single-select question type asks a participant to choose a certain value along a continuum, such as level of agreement or satisfaction. Text labels may be added to all points. In reports, this question type yields both frequency (How many people chose ‘Very Satisfied’?) and an overall average weighted score (On a 5 point scale, participants gave us a 3.7). You can choose between a Rating Slider and Smiley Slider under Settings.

  • Symbol Rating

    This single-select question type is a visual version of the Rating Scale question. Participants are asked to show their intensity of feeling using a symbol-based scale (Ex: 2 out of 5 stars). You can choose from different set of symbols under Settings.

  • NPS

    Net Promoter Score is an industry-standard question designed to measure customer loyalty toward your brand, company, or service. Customers are asked to provide feedback about how likely they are to recommend your services in the future, using a 0 to 10 scale. Customers are categorized based on their responses: Detractors (0-6), Passives (7-8), and Promoters (9-10).

  • Demographics

    This question includes pre-formatted fields that automatically validate the data received, including email address, ZIP code, and phone number.

  • Ranking

    This question type asks participants to arrange answer options in order of preference or importance. To arrange answers, participants simply drag and drop options into the desired order or choose the desired rank from the drop down. To improve data quality, you may also apply Answer Constraints so that participants rank only limited answer options – such as choosing the top three from eight answer options.

  • Attachment

    This question type allows a participant to upload one or more files directly.

  • Image Choice

    This question type asks participants to select their preferred picture(s). Images may be uploaded from your gallery or camera. Image labels are used to identify answer options in reports and may also be used as captions shown to participants.

  • Captcha

    Use Captcha to safeguard your questionnaires from spam bots and make sure your responses are coming from real people. If you will be sharing your project on a public website, this question type should always be included, generally on the first or last page of the survey. This question is always mandatory and can not be skipped. Participants will be required to click on a check box to validate themselves and proceed. This question is easy on humans but tough on bots!

  • Numeric Allocation

    This question type asks participants to provide a numeric value for each of a set of sub-questions. Choose whether to display the total field as the participant enters data, as well as whether to validate the total field for a certain numeric value. For example: What percentage of your day do you spend on each of the listed activities? Your total must add up to 100.

  • Like/Dislike

    This visually appealing single-select question type allows you to customize the labels displayed to participants while creating the project. These customized labels are displayed in participation and reports.

  • Rating Radio Button

    The Rating Radio Button question type allows you to show participants the qualitative values (words!) on a rating scale while still collecting weights (numbers!) for each answer. Answer options are generally arranged along a scale, perhaps from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree, and the applied weights allow you to report on both frequency and average weighted score.