Cherie Foo
Cherie is an avid lover of hiking, and she can easily spend hours curled up with a good book. Her greatest personal achievement to date is surviving a 48 hour bus trip -- in which she was jammed shoulder to shoulder with strangers (and live chickens which were illegally smuggled on board).
Employee Engagement
Onboarding 102: Why Employee Onboarding Matters More Than You Think
Like customer onboarding, employee onboarding is crucial to ensuring high retention rates. Stud...
Cherie Foo
December 2, 2022 | 3 MIN READ
Employee Engagement
Onboarding 101: Why Customer Onboarding Matters More Than You Think
Many companies are guilty of not having any proper procedures in place when it comes to onboard...
Cherie Foo
October 12, 2021 | 3 MIN READ
Employee Engagement
The Savvy Marketer’s Guide To Online Reputation Management
Say you want to purchase a new CRM system or a sales tool, and you’ve pretty much got your he...
Cherie Foo
September 24, 2019 | 3 MIN READ